Becoming a Sports Person
…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus..
Hebrews 12: 1b-2a
PE Spring 2
Tuesday -
Coaching Hawthorn Y4/5
Coaching Rowan Y1 |
Coaching Acorns R |
Coaching Oak Y5/6 |
Thursday -
Coaching Rowan Y1 Cricket Hawthorn Y4/5 |
Cricket Birch Y2 |
Coaching Acorns R Cricket Oak (Y5/6) |
Coaching Elder Y3
Friday -
Elder - Orienteering |
Orienteering- Birch |
At Whitegate C of E Primary School, we aim to inspire and grow the next generation of sportswomen and sportsmen. We intend to provide the platform to shine in competition which will in turn enhance their wisdom. We want to motivate our children to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle that helps them to live a life in all its fulness.
At Whitegate Primary School, we are very aware of the importance of physical wellbeing and see Physical Education as a key component of primary education. Through the use of a range of sports such as netball, football, hockey, dodgeball, tennis, cricket and athletics, we enable the children to explore their what they are capable of. Through providing sporting skills development and competition, children are able to develop resilience, as well as awakening the locked-up talent and potential that is hidden inside each one of our precious children.
We follow and strongly believe in the School Games mission and vision - To put physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of our school, and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best. The School Games will help our school continue to make a clear and meaningful difference to the lives of even more children and young people.
Furthermore to our sporting opportunities, our children are encouraged to discover the fine intricacies and find out what their bodies are capable of through gymnastics and dance. Creativity and individuality are encouraged, as the children are challenged to work independently and cooperatively to create routines using the skills they have learnt.
In addition to our vibrant and diverse PE curriculum, our Oak class are trained as Physkids leaders and facilitate collaborative, fun, active games for younger pupils during playtime. Swimming is taught in lower KS2. We also offer a range of after school clubs which allow the children to engage with more sports and activities. Through engagement with the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership, we take part in numerous sporting events over the year which provide our children to opportunity to shine.
The aims of teaching Physical Education in our school are:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- Are physically active for sustained periods of time
- Engage in competitive sports and activities.
- Lead healthy, active lives.
What our children think of PE and School Sport
"I love representing the school, I love the inspire competitions and winning matches." Upper KS2 pupil
"Mr Parish is a really good PE coach, we love his lessons and they are fun!" KS1
Websites we recommend to explore:
BBC Supermovers:
Vale Royal School Sport Partnership – 100 activities:
Change 4 Life:
Youth Sport Trust:
British Gymnastics:
Royal Opera House:
If you have any questions about our Physical Education curriculum, please contact Mr Fowles (subject lead) via the school office.
Thank you