‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’


Welcome to the Governors' Page.

School governors are people who want to make a positive conrtibution to children's education.
As a Church school our governing board includes foundation governors appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education as awell as a staff governor, parent governors and a local education authority appointed governor. Governors are generally appointed for a period of 4 years.

The governors are legally responsible for the operation of the school including staff appointments, school budget, health and safety, safeguarding, maintaining the school buildings and equipment and monitoring the school's performance.

The governing board has three key roles:

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

The full governing board meets at least once each term and in addition sub-committees meet at least once per term . If you wish to see minutes of any governing board meetings please ask in the office.

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the Governing Board or becoming a governor please, contact our Chair of Governors, Mrs Teresa Finney, using the email address chair@whitegate.cheshire.sch.uk.

Listed below are all the members of the Full Governing Board (FGB)

GOVERNORS  2024- 2025


  1. LA Governor - Mr James Bancroft
  2. DBE /Foundation - Rev Margaret Byrne
  3. Ex-Officio - Rev Canon P Dawson
  4. DBE/ Foundation - Mrs Teresa Finney (CHAIR)
  5. Staff Governor - Mr Michael Heathcote
  6. Elected Parent - Mr Ben Ireson
  7. Elected Parent - Mr Ian Johnson (VICE-CHAIR)
  8. Head teacher - Mrs Caroline Mackenzie
  9. DBE/ Foundation - Mrs Jennifer Marshall
  10. DBE/Foundation - Rev Jane Millinchip
  11. DBE /Foundation - Mrs Julie Webb
  12. DBE /Foundation - Vacant

Previous Governrors

Parent Governor - Mr Scott Pickering (Resigned 4.7.24)

DBE/Foundation - Mrs Margaret Baldini (Resigned  9.5.24)

DBE/Foundation - Mr Michael Field (End of tenure 3.11.23)

DBE/Foundation - Mrs Rosemary Charlton (Resigned 13.2.24)

Parent Governor - Mrs Sarah Wright (Resigned 12.10.23)

LA Governor - Mrs Val Cotterill (Resigned 29.9.23)

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