Our School Day
Timings for our school day:
7:30am: The Ark opens
8:30am - Gates open for parents and children to arrive
8:40am - Doors open for the children to go into class. The children in Willow and Oak can be dropped off on the loop from this time.
8:50am - Registation
10:20am: Collective Worship
10:40am: KS1 break time
10:55am: KS2 break time
11:45am: lunch starts for Acorns
12noon: lunch starts for Elm and Beech
12:25pm: Lunch starts for KS2
1pm: Afternoon sessions start for Acorns and KS1
1:10pm: Afternoon sessions start for KS2
3:15pm: End of the school day
4:15pm: Extra curricular clubs finish
6pm: The Ark closes
* Total hours of time in school each week = 31 hours and 45 minutes