‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Collective Worship

At Whitegate C/E Primary we are a partnership of school, church, home and community. We create a stimulating and caring environment, grounded in Christian belief and practice, so that all members of our school community feel happy, safe and secure. Time is taken to value and nurture each child educationally, creatively and spiritually, valuing the preciousness of each individual. Children and staff are encouraged to live their faith and grow in wisdom.



Acts of Collective Worship

At Whitegate Church of England School, we have a daily act of Collective Worship where we meet as a school community to sing, listen to stories, reflect on them and pray together.  Children are involved in delivery of Collective Worship throughout the school year. Children help to plan, organise and lead the major services which are held in St Mary's Church: Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the Leavers' Service, as well as a monthly, more informal service. Children may use Bible readings and write their own prayers for the services.

'The inclusive Christian ethos is evident during collective worship where pupils respond very positively to the relaxed but reverent tone. They value the opportunity to be together, participate, reflect and celebrate each other’s achievements. One pupil commented that his favourite time of the day was ‘when we all get together in assembly’.' (SIAMS, July 2019)

The school has strong links with St. Mary's Church.  Cannon Paul is a regular visitor to the school and is involved in Collective Worship.  He, along with Mrs Finney (St. Mary's Children's Worker), plus visitors from other churches, leads our collective worship on a Tuesday; on the third Tuesday of the month, we attend St Mary's Church for a whole school service which parents and friends within the local community are warmly welcome to attend.

Worship is varied and led by different staff, visitors from local churches and the pupil Christian values group.' (SIAMS, July 2019.)

Children take part in church services for Harvest, Easter and Christmas, and visit the church for other purposes when appropriate. We have been involved in creating displays for the wider church community of St Mary's to enjoy.  Our choir sings also sings at special celebrations throughout the year.

Mrs Finney also leads our Christian Club for the Infants each Tuesday after school. The children enjoy listening to gospel verses at their own level and making a craft linked to the week's theme.


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