‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Our School Council 2024-25

Our School Council are an important part of school life here at Whitegate C of E Primary School.  Each year, our children vote who they would like to represent their class on the school council.  We aim to grow the next generation of people who stand up for what they believe in. During our fortnightly meetings, all children get the opportunity to shine within group discussions. Furthermore, engaging in responsibility and experiences that enables them to grow in wisdom.

The School Council is here to represent you at meetings so that EVERYONE can have their voice heard.

How can I have my say?

1. Put a message in the suggestion box in the Practial Area.

2. Come and talk to us - your School Council reps! We are happy to listen to your ideas whenever they might occur!

3. Tell us what you think after feedback. Do you agree with everything decided? Can you think of anything you want discussed at the next meeting?

What kind of suggestions are useful? 

We REALLY want to make a difference to everyday life in school, not just think about special events days (although they are good fun, too)and it is not always about raising money either! Try to think of your usual routine at school and where things might be improved or changed for the better.

Ideas to do with.........

Playtime activities or routines

Things you would like in school

Special Events

Ways to raise money for school or charities


Have an input into choosing our school lunch menu

Sports events

These are just a few thoughts. Whatever you are thinking about that could help school carry on improving, let us know!

Remember we're here to listen!

We will use the Amnesty International resource - 'Learning about human rights in the Primary School' to provide children with their own understanding of human rights and the values and attitudes to underpin them.

Thursday 26th September 2024

As our new councillors have now been selected, we will have our school group council picture taken and we will discuss our aims for the year.

Thursday 17th October 2024

After today's meeting, we have decided to go back to our class and ask if there are any important changes they would like us to focus on as a school council. We will then share these possible changes in our next meeting after half term. At the start of our meeting, we discussed our class charter. Furthermore, we discussed how benefitial it would be for more children if they had a healthy school meal.

Thursday 28th November 2024

In today's meeting we have discussed improvements the children in school would like to make in the future. We debated which options were realistic and which were a no go! This was a highly entertaining meeting and it delivered some fantastic ideas. We are now going to ask our classes what type of fundraising events they would like to be part of.

Thursday 12th December 2024 - Postponed

Thursday 9th January 2025

Today we revisited some fundraising ideas including messy hair day, odd sock day and a non school uniform day. We talked about how some additional clubs have now been added and a small change has been made to the lunchtime menu, the school council are very happy about these changes. We reviewed the playround games and equipment and discussed that some additional equipment may be required. We will find out if any additional equipment can be added and discuss at our next meeting.

Thursday 23rd January 2025

In today's meeting we discussed the playground games and equipment and were very pleased that Mr Parish will now be running additional games on a Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime.  We are also looking forward to PhysKids starting soon.  We discussed the new clubs that have started and there was positive feedback from the school council about these.  At the last meeting, year 5 and 6 expressed an interest in a Ceilidh club and were very excited to report that this club will be starting after February half term.  Over the next few weeks we will think about some fundraising ideas for the spring term and will discuss at the next meeting.

Thursday 6th February 2025

We started the meeting with an update on the Ethos Group.  We heard about how the Ethos Shed is now up and running every lunchtime with fun activities such as leaf skewers, bark rubbings and prayer ribbons.  There are also some fun Easter activities being planned by the Ethos Group.  The school council had a lovely idea for later in the spring term to have a non-school uniform day with the donation as an Easter egg per person.  The school council thought that it would be a great idea to support our community by donating these Easter eggs to the food bank for local children to enjoy.  Year 6 will book a meeting with Mrs Mackenzie to discuss this.

Thursday 27th February 2025 Meeting postponed due to whole school assembly.

Next meeting: Thursday 13th March 2025



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