Our School
With thankful hearts, we trust in God as we grow in his love which shines through us. We aim to live our faith and grow in wisdom.
But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy. (James 3:17)
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and people. (Luke 2:52)
Whitegate Church of England Primary School is a vibrant, popular school, set in the picturesque Cheshire countryside. It is situated between the towns of Northwich and Winsford, both of which have historical links with the Cheshire Salt Industry. Within walking distance of Vale Royal Abbey, adjacent to the River Weaver, the history of the village centres on the largest monastic church built, by the Cistercian Order, in England in 1270.
Despite a growth spurt, which has seen a 40% increase in pupil numbers since 2016, Whitegate C of E is smaller than the average primary school, with 163 children currently on roll, the majority of whom travel from the nearby town of Winsford. With smaller than average numbers and six classroom spaces, class organisation changes each year, with some mixed year group classes. Our hardworking team ensure that we provide a safe, happy environment - all of which is underpinned by our Christian ethos and values.
There are strong relationships with our local church, St Mary’s, and, as we are situated on the Village Green, along with our church, we regularly hold Collective Worship there. Our joint, annual Village Fair, takes place on the green and it is a long-standing tradition that the children lead the proceedings through the crowning of the King and Queen, followed by dancing around the maypole.
We are incredibly proud of all of our pupils: they are kind, considerate, good company and make us laugh! They are attentive in class and ‘are welcoming to visitors and are polite and friendly to adults and each other.’ (Ofsted 2019)
Parental support is good. In addition to the great range of fundraising events and activities organised by our parents’ group, ‘Friends of Whitegate School’ (FOWS), many parents and family members choose to volunteer their time to support us during the school week.
Along with the overwhelming majority of maintained primary schools and academies in the Northwich area, we are members of the Northwich Education Partnership (NEP). As a group of schools, we are committed to working together to the benefit of all the town's children. Examples of our collaborative work include: The Northwich Art Town Trail; Northwich Sings; Northwich Pupil Parliament; as well as a comprehensive programme of CPD for NQTs, who can access local training and support to nurture excellent teachers in all of our schools.
We are proud to be part of the Sandstone Initial Teacher Training Trust and regularly support the next generation of teachers as they begin on their exciting journey. Please click here to access their website for more information.