‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Becoming Linguists



Some of us are from Crete and Arabia – yet all of us hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that God has done!

Acts 2:11


Languages at Whitegate.

Learning a foreign language is an amazing way to foster attitudes of tolerance, kindness, respect and curiosity about other people groups. It can liberate children from an insular mindset, ushering them into thinking about others positively from within difference. Language learning is also an excellent way to develop skills of logic, decoding and creative thinking in order to solve problems (namely of communication). Again, this enables children to shine in relationships that do not see difference as negative, but rather as an exciting discovery of newness.

At Whitegate, we follow a robust scheme of learning for French which lightly mirrors the phonics journey of Key Stage 1, in order to start with a firm foundation of basic knowledge and grow in production and undertsanding of French year after year throughout Key Stage 2. This aims to furnish children with not only a love of discovering language, but a definite faith, that no matter the named langauge in their secondary journey, it will be a possible task. We undertake leassons that begin with a majority emphasis on listening, speaking and reading, using pictorial and oral prompts. This gradually builds to increase the expectation of mastering texts in the original language and producing French in written form. From the beginning, children are encouraged to translate from English to French and vice versa, supporting an increased ease in fluency. 

The learning of a foreign language can provide a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for pupils – providing them with:

  • Opportunities to communicate for practical purposes in the wider world.
  • A foundation for further learning of languages beyond KS2, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.
  • An essential opening to other cultures and a widening of experiences and aspirations.
  • A new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.

A favourite activity of children at Whitegate during French lessons is learning through singing. Please encourage your child/children to find our playlist at home by following the following link: https://youtu.be/ETTcskgCv0M?si=bP25_gFWJ-vegwh7 

If you have any questions about our MFL curriculum, please contact Miss Graves (subject lead) via the school office.

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