‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’


We are the Friends of Whitegate School (FOWS), a volunteer group of mums, dads, carers and friends who arrange all sorts of activities in conjunction with the school to raise funds for school projects.  We appreciate any contribution you are able to make, be it big or small.

A wide range of events are organised throughout the year and are both of a social and fundraising nature. The events are organised by a hard working committee, who rely on parent and staff volunteers to help run the events.

Events organised include - Children's Christmas Craft Fair, Bonkers Bingo, Family Ceilidh, Colour Run, School Discos and so much more!

Our summer fair begins on the village green and it is a long-standing tradition that the children lead the proceedings through the crowing of the King and Queen, followed by dancing around the maypole.

The organisation is incredibly successful for a small primary school; we have raised £15,000 for the past two year!

Monies raised by the association have helped purchase iPads, musical instruments, new tables and chairs for all classrooms across the school and, most recently, the money raised by FOWS has paid for the laying of the artificial grass which has transformed our playground. 

A substantial amount of money was raised towards the building and equipping of the school hall which was opened in 2016.  Our current project is raising money towards the 10% contribution that we need to pay to the diocese for our new building, 'The Grove' which replaced the old mobile classrooms.

As soon as your child joins the school you automatically become a member of the Friends of Whitegate School. We are just like you - enthusiastic about doing something positive towards the development of the school our children are so proud to attend. Why not get involved?  We would love to hear from you.

Contact FOWS: fows@whitegate.cheshire.sch.uk

An Emergency General Meeting was called on the 11th December. Minutes are available upon request.

A meeting was held on the 20th January. Minutes can be found at the bottom of this page. Please also see a letter from Mr Ireson (Parent Governor).





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